Monday, September 6, 2010

2 out of 3 ain't bad

It's Monday morning, Labor Day 2010, and I'm watching the visitors to Friday Harbor scurrying around in the rain outside our Windermere office on Spring Street. But the prior 2 days of our weekend have given us great, sunny weather, so 2 out of 3 ain't so bad.. The ferry lines are full and will be so for the next day or so as people leave our last big Summer weekend. Judging by the strollers on Spring St., and crowds in the restaurants the last 2 days, it has been a wonderful holiday for all. Yesterday we listened to some great jazz by the San Juan Jazz Quintet at the Sunday brunch at the "Rumor Mill " restaurant.

For us islanders, we now get our island back. September is usually a great month for sunny, but Fall like, weather. Many boaters wait until September to take their annual cruises. I'm contemplating another motorcycle ride and playing some trad. jazz with the FH Old School Jazzers next week.

Cheers for now!
